Diabetes Care | Accu-Chek®
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Travelling with diabetes: Create memories, not stress

Guest article by Phyllisa Deroze Travelling is my favorite hobby. As a kid, I treasured my family's summer trips, driving to visit relatives. I fell in love with travelling because it gave me opportunities to see new places, try different foods and create memorable moments. As a college student, I spent hours on the internet planning trips to places that I couldn't afford to visit in real life. Today, I'm fortunate to travel several times a year and I have visited more than ten countries since being diagnosed with diabetes. It was scary at first. When I was newly...

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Dating With Diabetes

Dating With Diabetes

So you’ve met someone, and they might be “the one!” Butterflies in the stomach are normal on first dates. They’re enough to deal with that you don’t need the anxiety of wondering when and how to approach the topic of your life with diabetes with your new flame. Now or later? That’s up to you. Dealing with the situation immediately will take a weight off your shoulders, even if it can seem like a heavy thing to talk about at the beginning of a relationship. If you wait a few weeks, your significant other may feel like you weren’t...

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Plate with drinks

To Drink Or Not To Drink: That Is The Question

Alcohol is often on the guest list at everything from family reunions to evenings with friends, but it doesn’t always mix well with diabetes. Unless otherwise specified by your doctor, nothing is stopping you from having a drink as long as you follow some basic guidelines. First, what effect does alcohol have? When you drink some alcohol, your liver goes into a “cleaning” mode: instead of producing glucose, it works at eliminating alcohol from your system. This puts you at risk of having a low blood sugar episode which may...

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Young women eating a donut

Put A Stop To Cravings!

People living with diabetes often think they have to ban all unhealthy foods. Yet, dealing with your cravings, rather than trying to eliminate them, is the best way to prevent possibly damaging binges. Defuse high-calorie bombs. Bored? Stressed? Cravings often arise in response to a psychological need. Outsmart them: dive into a novel, or go for a walk or a run. Self-indulgence or true hunger? All you had for lunch was a green salad? It’s no surprise that your stomach is growling! Add some fibre and protein to...

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How to make sense of blood sugar levels

I don’t understand what my blood sugar levels mean! If you live with type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes, you have probably been asked to check your blood sugar a lot. But what are you supposed to be checking? How do you interpret the values you see? Managing your diabetes is easier when you know what the values mean and what you are trying to accomplish. What is the normal blood sugar level? Your doctor is the best person to ask what your blood sugar level range should be. Since everyone is different and unique, your goals may be different from the standard...

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Couple dancing

Diabetes And Intimacy

When talking about diabetes management, sex remains a taboo subject. You hear a lot about risks for eyes, nerves, kidneys and the heart. You hear a lot less about possible problems in the bedroom—be they psychological barriers or dysfunctions. Can diabetes affect your sexuality? There might be some potential inconveniences when it comes to diabetes and sex. However, it does not mean that you have to give up on sex. Let’s take a closer look at this topic in five points. Dialogue. It’s true...

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A matter of chocolate!

Why deny yourself the pleasure? Good for both your mood and your cardiovascular health, chocolate can very easily be integrated into your diet—as long as it’s consumed in moderation, of course. Good fats The types of fats contained in cacao butter, such as monounsaturated fatty acids, prevent high cholesterol, which contributes to good cardiovascular health. Antioxidants The flavonoids contained in dark chocolate help lower blood pressure by...

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Debunking myths about diet and diabetes

Who hasn't heard far-fetched "facts" about diet and diabetes? These days, with the barrage of information coming at us from all sides, it can be hard to separate fact from fiction. In this article, we take a closer look at 8 of the most common and persistent...

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December recipe ingredients on a kitchen table

All About Desserts

It’s the holidays and a delicious scent of cinnamon and spice is wafting in the air. From homemade pie to French toast, seasonal treats look all kinds of delicious… But how do you indulge your sweet tooth without jeopardizing your blood sugar level? It’s easy: just go for slightly healthier variations! Lighten your cake roll. Cut carbs by replacing the frosting by a thin layer of powdered sugar sprinkled with pieces of dark chocolate. The result will be just as beautiful (and yummy). Change up your cheesecake....

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