One resolution: Drink more water
If you have been reading us for a while, you know we are not big fans of resolutions. Goals? Yes. Commitments to yourself at any time of year? Certainly. However, we are bending our own rule a bit this year. Because if ever there were a resolution worth making, and super easy to boot, it is this one: drink more water. Even better, drinking water may help you with other goals and resolutions if you were to decide to go that route. Here is a peek at how: Water for weight loss or management A 2019...
Read MoreDiscussing Diabetes With Your Child
You just got your diagnosis? Or is your child growing up and starting to ask questions? In either case, you’ll eventually have to broach the topic with them. Here are a few tips to guide the discussion: Test the waters. Once the news is out, ask your child what they know about diabetes. Listen carefully, then set the record straight, correcting misconceptions if necessary (e.g., people living with diabetes are contagious or can’t eat sugar). Be concise. Briefly explain what diabetes is, how your...
Read MoreBad Day And Diabetes Mental Health
Everyone living with diabetes has good and bad days. Some days you have in-range blood sugar levels and others just don’t work out right. Diabetes burnout and diabetes distress are very real feelings. You might be feeling like you have been trying very hard but not seeing the results you like. Or you might feel a little overwhelmed and not sure how to cope with diabetes care and mental health1. When a bad diabetes day seems to be taking over, here’s how to turn it around. Diabetes mental health and attitude ...
Read MoreThe Benefits of Staying Active
Physical activity is good for everyone, but for people living with diabetes, it can make a big difference in keeping your blood sugar level managed. Not only that, but staying active allows your cells to process insulin more efficiently, improving your overall A1c levels. The many benefits to staying active Physical activity is one of the cornerstones of managing your diabetes, because the list of benefits for people living with diabetes is long. Physical activity can1: Improve...
Read MoreWhat are carbohydrate exchanges in diabetes?
The truth about carbohydrates and diabetes MYTH: If you live with diabetes, you can't eat sweets or sugar. TRUTH: A food do not have to be sweet or sugary to raise your blood sugar. Understanding carbohydrates and carbohydrate counting exchanges is important in diabetes. We want to separate the myth from the truth. Carbohydrate counting exchanges can sound intimidating. But, they are essential for good meal planning. In this article, we’ll look at the...
Read MoreComing to terms with a diabetes diagnosis
You’ve just received the news: you or your child are living with diabetes. After the initial shock, you’ll probably experience a whole range of emotions and have a ton of questions. It’s a normal process that’s unique to everyone, and it may include the following stages: Denial. You don’t believe the diagnosis. Anger. You feel a sense of injustice, or anxiety that turns into revolt. Bargaining. You partially accept the situation, but question...
Read More4 Tips to Improve Diabetes Lifestyle
There are probably many things that each of us would like to change about our life, but thinking about them all at once can be overwhelming. Instead, choose just one thing to improve now. Changing any of the things below could have an impact on your life with diabetes, both on your physical health and your emotional well-being. Make testing matter For people living with diabetes, testing more often is the key to manage your health. Frequent testing provides the data you need to make informed decisions about your medication, diet...
Read MoreCreating a Circle of Support
No one can go it alone. Whether you are living with diabetes or you’re a caregiver, it’s important to have a few options for emotional support. Knowing who to turn to with specific questions will make life easier. Find other people living with diabetes Few things are more comforting than talking with someone who understands you when you are living with diabetes, or if you are facing a type 1 or type 2 diagnosis. If you don’t already have a friend or a family member living with diabetes who can fill this role, seek out a diabetes...
Read MoreDating With Diabetes
So you’ve met someone, and they might be “the one!” Butterflies in the stomach are normal on first dates. They’re enough to deal with that you don’t need the anxiety of wondering when and how to approach the topic of your life with diabetes with your new flame. Now or later? That’s up to you. Dealing with the situation immediately will take a weight off your shoulders, even if it can seem like a heavy thing to talk about at the beginning of a relationship. If you wait a few weeks, your significant other may feel like you weren’t...
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Discussing Diabetes With Your Child
You just got your diagnosis? Or is your child growing up and starting to ask questions? In either case, you’ll eventually have to broach the topic with them. Here are a few tips to guide the discussion: Test the waters. Once the news is out, ask your child what they know about diabetes. Listen carefully, then set the record straight, correcting misconceptions if necessary (e.g., people living with diabetes are contagious or can’t eat sugar). Be concise. Briefly explain what diabetes is, how your...
Read MoreBad Day And Diabetes Mental Health
Everyone living with diabetes has good and bad days. Some days you have in-range blood sugar levels and others just don’t work out right. Diabetes burnout and diabetes distress are very real feelings. You might be feeling like you have been trying very hard but not seeing the results you like. Or you might feel a little overwhelmed and not sure how to cope with diabetes care and mental health1. When a bad diabetes day seems to be taking over, here’s how to turn it around. Diabetes mental health and attitude ...
Read MoreThe Benefits of Staying Active
Physical activity is good for everyone, but for people living with diabetes, it can make a big difference in keeping your blood sugar level managed. Not only that, but staying active allows your cells to process insulin more efficiently, improving your overall A1c levels. The many benefits to staying active Physical activity is one of the cornerstones of managing your diabetes, because the list of benefits for people living with diabetes is long. Physical activity can1: Improve...
Read MoreWhat are carbohydrate exchanges in diabetes?
The truth about carbohydrates and diabetes MYTH: If you live with diabetes, you can't eat sweets or sugar. TRUTH: A food do not have to be sweet or sugary to raise your blood sugar. Understanding carbohydrates and carbohydrate counting exchanges is important in diabetes. We want to separate the myth from the truth. Carbohydrate counting exchanges can sound intimidating. But, they are essential for good meal planning. In this article, we’ll look at the...
Read MoreComing to terms with a diabetes diagnosis
You’ve just received the news: you or your child are living with diabetes. After the initial shock, you’ll probably experience a whole range of emotions and have a ton of questions. It’s a normal process that’s unique to everyone, and it may include the following stages: Denial. You don’t believe the diagnosis. Anger. You feel a sense of injustice, or anxiety that turns into revolt. Bargaining. You partially accept the situation, but question...
Read More4 Tips to Improve Diabetes Lifestyle
There are probably many things that each of us would like to change about our life, but thinking about them all at once can be overwhelming. Instead, choose just one thing to improve now. Changing any of the things below could have an impact on your life with diabetes, both on your physical health and your emotional well-being. Make testing matter For people living with diabetes, testing more often is the key to manage your health. Frequent testing provides the data you need to make informed decisions about your medication, diet...
Read MoreCreating a Circle of Support
No one can go it alone. Whether you are living with diabetes or you’re a caregiver, it’s important to have a few options for emotional support. Knowing who to turn to with specific questions will make life easier. Find other people living with diabetes Few things are more comforting than talking with someone who understands you when you are living with diabetes, or if you are facing a type 1 or type 2 diagnosis. If you don’t already have a friend or a family member living with diabetes who can fill this role, seek out a diabetes...
Read MoreDating With Diabetes
So you’ve met someone, and they might be “the one!” Butterflies in the stomach are normal on first dates. They’re enough to deal with that you don’t need the anxiety of wondering when and how to approach the topic of your life with diabetes with your new flame. Now or later? That’s up to you. Dealing with the situation immediately will take a weight off your shoulders, even if it can seem like a heavy thing to talk about at the beginning of a relationship. If you wait a few weeks, your significant other may feel like you weren’t...
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