Diabetes Care Basics | Accu-Chek®
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Springtime is the perfect "lower your A1C" time

If your healthcare provider has talked to you about reducing your A1C test result, or you want to make some improvements to your diabetes care, this is the ideal time to get started. After all, warmer weather makes it easier to get outside and get active, fresh foods are easier to come by, and the sunshine may help you feel like you can conquer anything. 7% vs. 7.0 mmol/L First, let's be clear on what your A1C result means. It can be a little confusing, as the A1C is a percentage, rather than a direct measurement of the glucose in your blood. Your regular blood sugar checks tell you the amount of...

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Refine Results

Elderly couple sitting outside

Understanding Type 2 Diabetes

What is it? Type 2 diabetes is by far the most common: it’s the one affecting up to 90% of people living with diabetes. It is mostly found in adults (hence its nickname, “adult diabetes”), particularly in those 40 years and older. However, with the obesity epidemic currently raging around the world, it has been occurring in younger people. This type of diabetes is associated with a sedentary lifestyle, obesity and excess weight, especially in cases where there is fat accumulation in the abdomen area, but uncontrollable factors...

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Understanding Prediabetes

What is it? Prediabetes is when a person’s blood sugar level (blood glucose) is higher than average, but not enough to diagnose them with diabetes. Almost all people living with type 2 diabetes have had prediabetes, but not all prediabetes develops into type 2 diabetes. Of course, it’s not enough to hope you fall into the right category: without any intervention, prediabetes is extremely likely to evolve in the wrong direction. What’s happening? ...

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Person standing near a plant

Putting your best foot forward!

In the long run, the hyperglycemia that characterizes diabetes ends up affecting the nerves (in what is known as neuropathy) and the blood vessels, especially the capillaries. This results in a loss of sensitivity and a decrease in the natural hydration of the feet, which leads to dry skin, cracks and calluses. This means that not only are you more likely to injure your feet and not realize it right away, but you heal more slowly, and your wounds are more likely to become infected. How do you prevent problems? ...

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Understanding Gestational Diabetes

Understanding Gestational Diabetes

What is it? Gestational diabetes (or “pregnancy diabetes”) affects between 3% and 20% of pregnant women. It generally occurs in the second or third trimester of the pregnancy and goes away on its own after childbirth. Any pregnant woman can develop it, but there are a number of risk factors such as age, ethnicity, excess weight, corticosteroid use, family history and some pre-existing conditions. What’s happening? Gestational diabetes...

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Man sitting outside with smartphone


When there isn’t enough insulin in your body, or when the hormone becomes ineffective, your cells are unable to use the available glucose, which then builds up in the blood. Hyperglycemia occurs when glucose levels rise above target values, i.e.: Over 7 mmol/L fasting or before a meal Over 10 mmol/L two hours after a meal Chronic hyperglycemia is what causes the long-term complications of diabetes such as blood vessel and nerve damage, blindness and kidney failure. Signs Fatigue or drowsiness ...

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Women cleaning her teeth

Protecting Your Smile When You Have Diabetes

Diabetes increases the risk of mouth problems, but this has (almost) nothing to do with your sugar intake. The main culprit is actually hyperglycemia. The effect of blood glucose Your body can react in many different ways to improperly managed blood glucose. You produce less saliva, and the smaller amount you do produce contains more glucose, which can lead to dry mouth, ulcers, tooth decay or yeast infections. Due to hyperglycemia, there is increased glucose in the saliva which promotes the spread of bacteria, decreases nutrient...

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Men playing tennis and chatting

A Quick Overview Of Oral Medications

For type 1 diabetes With type 1 diabetes, you need to take insulin your whole life, since your body won’t produce any. It must be administered through injections or using a pump. If you’re wondering why no one has invented an insulin pill yet, that’s because stomach enzymes would make short work of it. In addition to insulin therapy, managing type 1 diabetes also requires exercising, eating a proper diet and monitoring blood glucose. Some oral medicines are sometimes prescribed to complement this. These include the following: Blood pressure medications...

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When Diabetes Goes For The Eyes

When Diabetes Goes For The Eyes

It’s not a myth: diabetes can really affect eye health. Blood glucose, cholesterol levels and blood pressure are all variables that can cause serious long-term damage and, in the worst-case scenario, blindness. That’s why it’s so important to discuss this issue and focus on prevention. Here’s a quick overview to help you see the big picture. Glaucoma Glaucoma occurs when pressure builds up in the eye and damages the optic nerve and blood vessels. This disease causes a gradual loss of vision, starting with the periphery, and can...

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