10 Food to Keep in Mind for Diabetic Diet | Accu-Chek®
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Your Ten Best Food Allies

It’s a fact: not all foods are created equal. Some are dangerously seductive, like this chocolate bar that’s winking at you from the counter. And others are so nutritious and healthy—as well as delicious—that they fall into the “superfood” category. Their best assets: a high nutrient and vitamin content and a low glycemic index. But who are these formidable allies in diabetes management?

1- Beans

Like many legumes, beans of all kinds are full of dietary fiber—a considerable asset for someone living with diabetes. In addition to contributing to the prevention of cardiovascular disease, dietary fiber helps regulate blood sugar, slow glucose absorption and reduce cholesterol.

2- Nuts

They give energy, soothe hunger and contain monounsaturated fats—the “good fats” that reduce cardiovascular risk. It’s worth noting that nuts also help control blood glucose levels. As with any food, however, make sure you follow the recommended servings.

3- Tomatoes

No matter how you prepare them, they provide essential nutriments such as vitamin C, iron and vitamin E.

4- Citrus fruits

Stock up on vitamin C and soluble fiber with your favorite citrus fruits—think lemon, lime, grapefruit and tangerine! They’re excellent choices to add flavor to your meals while limiting your intake of salt and sugar.

5- Fatty fish

Rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines, red or white tuna, albacore and trout are all great options for promoting cardiovascular health. They also help prevent blood clots.

6- Whole grains

Why? Because they’re full of vitamins, minerals and fiber and low in saturated fat, which fits perfectly with the diet plan recommended to people living with diabetes.

7- Dark green leafy vegetables

They are excellent sources of fiber and vitamins, low in calories and carbohydrates—to be consumed without moderation. That’s a compelling reason to make room for spinach, cabbage or broccoli on your plate.

8- Sweet potatoes

These are a delicious replacement for potatoes, have a low glycemic index and are high in vitamin A and fiber.

9- Berries

Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and company all have one thing in common: they are chock-full of antioxidants, vitamins and fiber.

10- Low-fat milk and yogurt

Their calcium, nutrient and mineral content makes milk and yogurt sound choices in your diet. They are a good source of vitamin D, which helps control blood glucose and insulin sensitivity. That being said, low-fat options are preferred!

Just super

That’s right—you already knew all of these “superfoods". And now that you know how full of benefits they are, why not rediscover them by trying new recipes? Bon appétit!

American Diabetes Association (n.d). Diabetes Superfoods. Retrieved from: https://www.diabetes.org/nutrition/healthy-food-choices-made-easy/diabetes-superfoods. Accessed April 21 2020.

Canadian Family Physician (2008). Vitamins and Diabetes. Retrieved from: https://www.cfp.ca/content/54/6/864.full. Accessed April 21 2020.

Diabetes Québec (2014). Omega-3 Fats. Retrieved from: https://www.diabete.qc.ca/fr/vivre-avec-le-diabete/alimentation/aliments-et-nutriments/les-acides-gras-omega-3/. Accessed April 4 2020.

Diabetes Québec (n.d). Legumes and Pulses. Retrieved from: https://www.diabete.qc.ca/en/living-with-diabetes/diet/food-and-nutrients/legumes-and-pulses/. Accessed April 10, 2020. 

Diabetes Québec (n.d). Actualités. Retrieved from: https://www.preventiondiabete.ca/actualites. Accessed April 21 2020. 

Health Canada (2019). Fats. Retrieved from: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/nutrients/fats.html. Accessed April 21 2020.

Heart and Stroke Foundation (n.d). Managing Cholesterol. Retrieved from: https://www.heartandstroke.ca/heart/risk-and-prevention/condition-risk-factors/high-cholesterol. Accessed April 21 2020.


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