One resolution: Drink more water | Accu-Chek®
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One resolution: Drink more water

If you have been reading us for a while, you know we are not big fans of resolutions. Goals? Yes. Commitments to yourself at any time of year? Certainly. However, we are bending our own rule a bit this year. Because if ever there were a resolution worth making, and super easy to boot, it is this one: drink more water.

Even better, drinking water may help you with other goals and resolutions if you were to decide to go that route. Here is a peek at how:

Water for weight loss or management

A 2019 study found a link between dehydration and overweight and that led researchers to consider why. On one side, when people drink enough water, they may feel fuller. On the other side, people tend to mistake thirst for hunger, so they will overeat when they are really just thirsty. Drinking water may be key to helping slim down or maintain a healthy weight.

Water for working out

It is not just about replenishing what you sweat out. Water helps energize your muscles and avoid muscle fatigue.

Water for healthier skin

You are made of about 60% water and when you are dried out, especially if you are facing harsh winter weather, it shows on your skin. So drink up.

Water keeps things moving

Help flush out your kidneys and bowels to reduce your risk of kidney problems and issues with your digestive system. Probably not a resolution you were planning to make, but it cannot hurt.


Oaklander, M (2016). Weight Loss and Water Consumption Appear to Be Linked. Retrieved from: Accessed March 26 2021.

WebMD (n.d). 6 reasons to drink water. Retrieved from: Accessed March 26 2021.

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