For Frightfully Fun Halloween Festivities | [| Accu-Chek®
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For Frightfully Fun Halloween Festivities

On Halloween night, invite your child’s friends to celebrate at your house. By organizing a fun party, you’ll be stealing the spotlight from candy and sweets.

A costume pageant

Set up a fashion show for the kids where they show off their costumes to the tune of “Monster Mash” or another Halloween hit. Ask everyone to explain why they chose their costume.

Hand out lots of prizes—pens, balls or small toys—or hold a draw. This way, several kids get something.


The classics can be tailored to the occasion:

Spooky races. If weather permits, go outside with the kids. Mark a starting line and a finish line or use landmarks such as a tree or shrub. Before giving the start signal, tell the little racers to hop like toads or flap their arms like bats.

Zombie tag. When a kid is tagged, they become a zombie and have to walk around dragging their feet. The game ends when everyone has become a zombie.

Ghoulish whispers. Sitting in a circle, kids take turns whispering a Halloween-themed sentence to each other. The last child says aloud what they heard—probably something fairly different from the original sentence!

The menu

Here are some creepy snack ideas:

  • Witch eyes: Devilled eggs stuffed with guacamole or pesto, with an iris made from a green or black olive.
  • Giant bug pizza: Fill a pita with tomato sauce, some pepperoni, sliced mushrooms and grated cheese. Build the bugs’ bodies and legs using black olives and bell peppers.
  • Cobweb dip: Prepare some raw veggies and decorate your dip, hummus or guacamole by drawing a spider’s web on top using sour cream.
  • Using a pastry bag or a plastic bag with the corner cut off, draw concentric circles on your dip.
  • To form each of the web’s strands, pass a knife from the centre of the plate towards the edges.

All this is sure to make children forget about candy. Imagine how grateful their parents will be!


“Toile d’araignée en trempette”, Coup de pouce: Accessed February 24, 2015.
Dawn Swindorski, “Halloween Parties”, Defeat Diabetes Foundation: Accessed February 24, 2015.
Diane Fennell, “Tips And Tricks For Halloween”, Diabetes Self-Management: Accessed February 24, 2015.

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