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One resolution: Drink more water

If you have been reading us for a while, you know we are not big fans of resolutions. Goals? Yes. Commitments to yourself at any time of year? Certainly. However, we are bending our own rule a bit this year. Because if ever there were a resolution worth making, and super easy to boot, it is this one: drink more water. Even better, drinking water may help you with other goals and resolutions if you were to decide to go that route. Here is a peek at how: Water for weight loss or management A 2019...

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Cold and Flu Season

  Every year we cross our fingers, hoping we’ll be spared. The common cold and influenza have a nasty reputation and with good reason. Who can stand a runny nose or a hacking cough? Both infections are common and relatively harmless, but they still have to be closely monitored in people living with diabetes. A few facts Colds and influenza are viral infections affecting the respiratory tract. The common cold is relatively mundane and is generally over in ten days. The...

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Person standing near a plant

Putting your best foot forward!

In the long run, the hyperglycemia that characterizes diabetes ends up affecting the nerves (in what is known as neuropathy) and the blood vessels, especially the capillaries. This results in a loss of sensitivity and a decrease in the natural hydration of the feet, which leads to dry skin, cracks and calluses. This means that not only are you more likely to injure your feet and not realize it right away, but you heal more slowly, and your wounds are more likely to become infected. How do you prevent problems? ...

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The Art Of Food Swapping

You know you shouldn’t, but the temptation is too strong. You run the numbers in your head. You try resisting a little… but then you forfeit. As you know, some foods don’t go very well with diabetes. The problem is that they are awfully tempting. However, there are ways for you to eat delicious food while keeping your blood sugar under control. Here are a few tips! Feel like having pizza? Pizza is far from being diabetes’s best friend, but you can limit the damage by swapping salted meats, such as pepperoni and...

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Three recycles bins on the grass

How to be more eco-friendly

Diabetes is by no means easy on the planet. It generates a lot of waste - for example, used lancets, product packaging and unused medications. That said, why not limit the damage by adopting more responsible practices in your everyday life? Here are a few easy tips to get started! Give pill bottles a second life. Most pill bottles are recyclable, but plastic number 6 sometimes isn’t (you’ll find this number on the bottom of the bottle, outlined by a recycling triangle). Another option: your empty containers are perfect for storing cotton swabs, loose change and...

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Five Little Mistakes Everyone Makes

Managing diabetes is quite the juggling act. Between your treatments, your busy schedule and your blood glucose measurements, it’s normal to sometimes run out of time or forget a few details. So don’t beat yourself up if you make one of the small mistakes listed below. Of course, if you can avoid them, all the better! 1- Skipping breakfast. After a night of sleep, your blood sugar level is usually higher, and your body needs fuel. Plan quick and healthy meal options for chaotic mornings: oatmeal, fruits and whole grain cereals, for example. 2- Guessing the carbs. By now...

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couple laying in a bed

Diabetes And Sexual Health

In a society where sex is omnipresent, it’s surprising to realize that it’s still a taboo topic. Although we openly discuss about many of the complications of diabetes, there’s very little talk about sexual problems, which occur more frequently and earlier in people living with diabetes. When desire flags Blood glucose levels are sometimes behind this, especially if they’ve been poorly managed for years. The inflammation, nerve damage and circulatory problems caused by improper blood glucose management can hinder libido. There’s...

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Women driving a car

Driving With Diabetes

For many people, driving means being free to go wherever they want, whenever they want. When you’re behind the wheel, that freedom comes with responsibilities. What does this mean for someone living with diabetes? Driving-related risks According to guidelines published by Diabetes Canada, one major risk associated with driving is hypoglycemia that’s not detected in time. It causes a variety of symptoms that make traffic violations and accidents much more likely: tremors, loss of focus, drowsiness, blurred vision, dizziness, and so on....

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3 woman discussing and sharing ideas

8 Diabetes Hacks You Can Try Today

The diabetes community is great at sharing—especially when they come up with an idea for making life a little easier. Consider these tricks for managing your health and your gear. Show emergency information on a locked phone. You may have your ICE (in case of emergency) contact noted in your phone, but that doesn't help if emergency workers can't unlock it. For Apple devices, important information that has been entered into the health app, such as health conditions, allergies and emergency contacts, can be accessed without unlocking. Android phones running on Android...

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